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Candidate + Use Case

Represents detected change on resource. Tracking state of the optimization and cost saving activity.


Path: cost_insights

Name: candidates.csv

Path: use_cases

Name: {use-case-name}.csv


Property Description Data Type Example Value
UseCase Name of use case string UnusedResources
ResourceId Full Azure resource id of resource string /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg-name
Name Name of the resource string ngs-portal-web
Type Type of resource string microsoft.compute/disks
ResourceGroupName Resource group name string rg-name
Location Geo location string westeurope
SubscriptionId Subscription ID guid xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
SubscriptionName Subscription name string sub-data-analysis-uat
Tags Json formatted map of key - value pairs json {"environment":"prod","cost-center":"data","displayName":"KeyVault"}
JsonMetadata Json formatted metadata of the use case json {"key":"value"}
OriginalCost Detected costs for previous month, before taking action decimal 14.45
NewCost Price of resource one month after taking action decimal 0
SavedAmount Total amount saved by taking action, in case of delete it will be equal to OriginalCost, can also be negative decimal 14.45
PercentageCostChange Percentage change between OriginalCost to NewCost, if the price has increased, it will be negative number representing percentages decimal 100
HasReducedCost Flag whether the cost has reduced after taking action bool TRUE
InitiatedOn Timestamp when action was detected datetime 2024-03-26T17:37:15Z
FinalizedOn Timestamp when action has completed, this can be either month later or in case of deletion, it will be same as InitiatedOn datetime 2024-03-26T17:37:15Z
ActionText Textual description of what action was taken (deleted, resized, sku changed,...) string Resource was deleted
FreeText Optional further description of the action string Resource was unused since 2024-03-26, but utilization was detected.
InProgress Flag whether action is in progress bool FALSE
Currency Currency string USD
ActionStateText State that action taken is currently in string Finalized